Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Ugly Truth

Don’t let anyone have you believed, especially not advertisers, that it doesn’t matter how you look, as long as you feel beautiful. They’ll tell you that being fat as fuck is okay. Or flashing crooked teeth is okay. That you’re more beautiful than you think you are. Bullshit. They’re probably saying all of that to sell you some white, oval soaps in a clever wrapper of Real Beauty. What the hell does it even mean? Let me tell you something which is way more real - your life is affected by the way you look in more ways than you’d like. Fair? Of course not. But science doesn’t have a moral compass. Studies have shown, repeatedly, that good looking people are considered more capable, intelligent, persuasive, and socially skilled. Jurors are more likely to acquit accused murderers who are better looking. Mothers, CAN YOU BELIEVE IT EVEN MOTHERS, pay more attention to good looking babies. There’s also evidence that more attractive people get paid better at work, have an edge in winning political campaigns, and are more likely to be helped by others when in distress. The last one shouldn’t come as a big surprise. Hand on heart, if you had just one place in your boat, will you rescue Milind Soman, or will you rescue Uday Chopra? Even though Milind Soman will swim and reach the other shore faster than your boat if you left him, you’ll still pick him. Now I don’t know a way to make you look like Milind Soman or Mila Kunis, but to get beautiful, well aligned teeth like them, you can visit Maheshwari Dental Ok. Bye.